7 octobre 2012

Carol from Goodwood with love !


Classic COURSES : du franglais dont nous comprenons qu’il puisse choquer certains. Un choix qui trouve son explication aujourd’hui avec la première contribution de notre amie américaine, Carol Quiniou. Pilote, artiste, elle nous fait vivre Goodwood avec son audace, son talent et une sensibilité toute particulière sur laquelle nous reviendrons prochainement .

373027_149070381900035_1438171238_n.jpgAnyone who has ever attended the Goodwood Revival will tell you,- it is an amazing and magical event. I have no lack of words in praise of it, both from a drivers, or spectators point of view. Each year seems to get better and all the more exciting! The Revival “cuvee” 2012 was no exception to that rule.

Goodwood is no typical racing event. Besides the advantage of being picturesque and authentic, there is not much about either the circuit or the atmosphere in the paddock stand that has significantly changed since it’s active years between 1948 up to 1966, before becoming the great success that it has become today under the helm of the present day, Lord and Earl of March. It gives one a real feeling of pure nostalgia to see the cars lined up in their paddock stalls as they are prepared and primed, waiting to go out on the circuit. The Revival is without equal in conviviality and ambiance,- drivers and spectators, out in force, supporting the event and contributing largely to its success.


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One has the impression of taking a step back in time. The result is a fantastic cocktail, where the 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s,and pre-war era, all come together for 3 exciting and mesmerizing days of racing.

 mercedes benz, silver arrows

Along with the regularly scheduled races which take place each year, 2012 included a special tribute to Dan Gurney, marking the 50th anniversary of his first Grand Prix win at Rouen in 1962. Only at Goodwood was it possible to see a wide variety of cars that Dan “the Man” has driven throughout his racing career.

Cet article qui pourrait vous intéresser :  Comment gagner un Grand Prix… quand on n’en a pas les moyens.

dan gurney

            Mr Dan Gurney


Present among the many cars were the Balchowsky-BuickOl” Yeller II from 1959, a Maserati Birdcage that he co-drove with Masten Gregory in the Buenos Aires 1000 KM, a Jaguar E2 A in which Dan set equal fastest lap at Le Mans in 1960, an AC Cobra which he shared with the greatly missed Phil Hill, at Sebring in 1963, as-well-as, a Huffaker Chevy Genie MK8, Lotus-Ford 29, Brabham, Ford GT Mark II, Eagle Westlake with a V12 engine which was his brainchild, dan gurneyalong with Ferrari’s and a number of McLarens… Gurney was a fierce and versatile racer, and few competitors can lay claim to driving cars as various as he has throughout his prolific career.



dan gurney, McLaren Can Am











 Another great tribute was paid, marking the 50th year anniversary of the legendary GTO. Designed by Sergio Scaglietti, 15 examples of this legendary car were present at Goodwood this year. 39 were built during the years of 1962 and 1963, and are now the most sought after Ferraris in our day. The original mission of the GTO, was to beat the Jaguar E-Type on the track, and in their heyday were driven by such greats as Salvadori, Hill, Gandebien, Pedro Rodriguez, and Graham Hill. This was definitely top-notcheyecandy for any car enthusiast. 

ferrari 250 gto  

A festival for eyes and ears, was the presence of the illustrious Silver Arrows. 9 of these marvelous machines, Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union racers, took to the track in force, evoking the years leading up to the Second World War. The smell and noise in its self was

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an experience to be remembered, it isn’t everyday that you can get upclose and personal with these mythic cars, and I among many were surely in awe as we watched them roaring by on the Goodwood circuit. 


An event not to be missed of the 2012 Revival was theShelby Cup race celebrating Caroll Shelby, who sadly left us earlier this year in May. With no less than 29 AC Cobras in the starting blocks, Goodwood trembled to the muscle car music of V8 engines, which would have made Carollproud. Astoundingly enough, of the 29 cars present, most race regularly at many of the historic races in the UK and throughout Europe. Iconic, yes…mythic, definitely. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world…

 ac cobra, caroll shelby


mrs shelby, nicolas cancelier, paul chenard   ac cobra

 Nicolas Cancelier, Mrs Caroll SHelby, Paul Chenard


Motorcycles too contribute to the Goodwood Revivalsophie melcion step back in time… in 2004 Goodwood rebaptized the Lennox Cup as the “Barry Sheene Memorial Trophy”. Each year motorcycles competing alternate between those that raced from 1951 to 1954 with those that raced between 1962 and 1966. Nortons were honored this year, alongside BSA, Triumph, Velocette and Vincent…with BMW, MV Augusta, and Gilera also present. Wayne Gardner taking to the track on a 1953 Norton Manx. A special heads up to Sophie Melcion, sharing her 1954 BSA Goldstar with her husband Tony Smith…Sophie, a pilar in the French motorcycle scene for a number of years.

 jacky stewart, john surteesThe Goodwood Revival is first and foremost, about racing,-the machines, and the men who build them, and those who race them. But, the show is not only on the track…

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Not only does Goodwood assemble top-notch and prestigious machinery, the event assembles the cream-of –the-crop in regards to competitors and race teams, who participate in historic racing events throughout the racing season each and every year, as-well-as, collectors, owners, and now-and-then Gentlemen Drivers. Add to this our racing heros, in-period dressing, airplanes flying high in the sky, music, food car art, and exhibits… plus 150,000 spectators over a 3 day period, and you have what is, in my opinion, one of the most AWESOME racing events to be experienced. I can think of no other place where I could hug Dan Gurney( and blurt out in the process and before I knew it, “I love you Dan”… yup I did! ) , stop and chat with Jackie Stewart , or share a laugh with Arturo Merzario. To share a few words with the likes of Henri Pescarolo, Jurgen Barth, or Jacky Ickx, and say hello to Sterling Moss and his wife Susie, or share a smile with Tony Brooks, could be, under normal circumstances, an overwhelming experience,- at Goodwood it is second nature to share a common passion and one that I will forever remember…

Am I a fan of the Goodwood Revival… yup! You can bet I am!

Carol Quiniou


tony brooks

Tony Brooks                        

dan gurney

Dan Gurney    

jurgen barth

Jurgen Barth


jacky ickx

Jacky Ickx  


jacky stewart

Jacky Stewart 

arturo merzario

Arturo Merzario



Photos @ Carol Quiniou

Photos @ F. Sarrailh

Photos @ Michel Doud



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